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White Ali’i Warrior

Bendungan sengguruh, merupakan terminal terakhir aliran sungai kali brantas di Kabupaten Malang. Bendungan ini tidak hanya berfungsi mengatur aliran debit air sungai saja, melainkan juga dipergunakan sebagai pembangkit listrik jawa bali. Namun untuk pengelola aliran listrik ini semua dilakukan oleh petugas PLN.

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In those days, the entrance had larger windows facing the street so Carmen had Aldo Formica, his pizza chef, toss pizza dough in the window to draw in customers. It gave them an idea for an episode. They hired Formica to teach Lucille Ball to toss pizza dough correctly so she could flub it up, Lucy-style, on camera. The pay phone she uses was installed specifically for the film shoot and it still remains there today. Autographed bottles of chianti still adorn the ceiling and the wooden booths are also worth a closer inspection in order to locate the hand-carvings of whistle-playing pigs. John Stamos is rumored to be a regular who heads straight into the kitchen, upon arrival, to chat with staff.

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